بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
و الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسلين
و على اله و اصحابه أجمعين

“And We made an appointment with Moses”

“And We made an appointment with Moses for thirty nights and perfected them by [the addition of] ten; so the term of his Lord was completed as forty nights. And Moses said to his brother Aaron, “Take my place among my people, do right [by them], and do not follow the way of the corrupters.””[1]

When Allâh wants to honor one of His servants, He arranges an appointment in which he will get rid of the stain of heedlessness. He will burn his heart with repentance, humility and contemplation. The fire of an irresistible desire and of an intense love will annihilate the opacities coming from separation, and the veils of Actions and Attributes will gradually brighten.

The appointment is the hidden source of the Name. It is the door of the mystical truth (haqiqa). This appointment is called ad-Dahr (time), which is a Name and an Attribute in the same time. Abu Huraira narrates that messenger of Allâh ﷺ said: “Allâh said: Sons of Adam inveigh against Time, and I am Time, in My hand is the night and the day.”[2]

In this way, the sunna of the appointment has been established, so you can write your primordial dot in order to manifest the secret of your posterity. As for Allâh ﷻ, He is beyond all spatial and temporal notions. He is the One who has no beginning and who has no end, nothing precedes Him and nothing is able to come after Him. How could our Lord come to an appointment when He is time?

In reality, there is for each living spirit a time of unveiling and theophany, of favor and of divine presence, established before the creation, and this until his terrestrial nature becomes intoxicated, until the tree of divine agreement grows on the soil of his existence and until he receives the extraordinary fruits of the secrets of the beauty and divine perfection.

The intensity of his desire will led him to lose his mind in the heaven of the divine unicity, and his secret will flow in the mystical truth (haqiqa) of the Ha, the pupil will extinguish himself between the qabd and the bast, jamal (beauty) and jalal (majesty).

Sayiduna ibn al Faridh (may Allâh sanctify his secret) said in the following verses:

And when came the Time of the appointment
In the unification of all my being

My Mountain rendered unto dust
In front of the sublimity of the One who manifested Himself

And then was unveiled a hidden Secret
Only knew by He who is like me

Death in Him is my life
My life is in my [real] execution

I am the poor who is held captive
Have mercy on my state and my degradation

The promise of Allâh to his servant is noble and great, His appointment happens during the hour of Love, his meeting place is on the mountain of the desire where the Lovers gathers in the sacredness of the only One.

Come… O pupil, come to our appointment without your own being, come to us with nothing…when you will be annihilated in our presence, subsisting by our sacredness, looking at our direction with a sight of respect and fear in front of the jamal and jalal, then your name will be annihilated in our Name and your shape in our shape. All your being will be mine, and a part of mine will be yours. You will find me waiting your encounter with more desire than you ever had… because you are a part of me while I am your All.

Sayiduna Abu Yazid al Bistami said: “I called Abu Yazid to Allâh, but he refused, so I left him and I went to Allâh.”

And sayiduna ibn ‘Arabi (may Allâh sanctify his secret) said:

I have beloved beings that followed
What people of Love and Secret called to

They called to the evocation of Allâh in all times
And the evocated Being annihilated their evocation

Then when they fulfilled their extinction and the extinction of everything
And when they no longer need other than the companionship of the Night of Destiny

Then all those people were seen as sacred
And the words of odd were only geared for the odd

[1] Surah al-A’râf, verse 142.
[2] Sahih al-Bukhari, hadith n° 5742.