بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
و الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسلين
و على اله و اصحابه أجمعين

Every beautiful things you read in sufism/spiritual books, don’t think that’s belong to the past, don’t think it’s just lines in books! Never forget that the Allâh’s mercy outstrip his rigor.

Abu Hurayrah (radiaAllâh ‘anhu) report that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Certainly, Allâh ﷻ will send a man who revitalize the religion (al Mujaddid) nearby this community (ummah) and this at the head of every century.”

So, who is this man today? Is it one of these religious scientists who just can speak during hours about fiqh, aqida or historicals facts? It can’t be! He have to revitalize your heart too… Then, let’s talk about this heart with the one who was called “the proof of Islam”, Imam al Ghazâli.

He relates: “When the Messenger of Allâh ﷺ  was questioned on “the breast opening”, and on the hidden meanings of these divines words: “to the one who God want to guide to the good, He opens his breast to Islam” (Quran,VI,125), he ﷺ answered: “It’s a Light that Allâh project into the heart”, “and what is the sign?” we asked to him. He answered: “The remoteness of the deception home and the back to the Eternity home”.

The Messenger of Allâh ﷺ also said: “Allâh ﷻ create the humans into the darkness, then He sprayed them with His Light”.

Imam Ghazali say: “It’s to this Light from whom we have to ask for the truth unveiling; it flows from the divine generosity in some circumstances; it’s necessary to wait it, being on the lookout, in accordance with these Prophet’s words ﷺ: “From your Lord emanate grace flows during certain days of your existence, thus expose yourself to them”

He say too: “Know that the heart have two access doors to the sciences: one for the dreams and an another one for the world of awake who is the door to the outside. If he falls asleep, the door of senses closes and we open for him the inside door. Then, we unveil to him the mysteries of super-sensitive world and of the Preserved Tablet and he becomes full of clarity and Light. But don’t think this spiritual energy deploys only because of the sleep and the death, it deploys also in the awakening for the one who sincerely devotes himself to the struggle and spirituals exercises, frees himself from the yoke of desire, anger, bad temper and nasty works.

Indeed, when he sits in an isolated place, detached from senses, open the internal eye and ear, put his heart in a favourable mood face to the super-sensitive world and repeat constantly with his heart excluding the tongue: Allâh, Allâh, Allâh! Until he has no news from himself and of the world around him,and that he sees nothing else but God ﷻ, this spiritual energy deploys and he sees in the awakening what he see in the sleep.

The spirits of the Angels and the Prophets appear for him, also pleasant images beautiful and majestic. The kingdom of heavens and earth is unveiled for him and he see what we can’t explain and describe as said the Prophet ﷺ: “The earth had been contract for me and i saw His Easts and His Wests.” In the same way, Allâh ﷻ say: “Thus we showed to Ibrahim the empire of the heavens and the earth” (Quran 6\75)

This because the sciences of the Prophets ﷺ all came from this way and not from the track of the senses like Allâh ﷻ said: “Invok the Name of your Lord; dedicate you totally to Him” (Quran 73;8) This means cut itself from all things, purify the heart from everythings and totally implore Allâh ﷻ. And it’s the path of sufis in our time.

About the path of education it’s the one of the scholars, and this high level is an abridged of the path of the Prophecy. It’s similarly for the sciences of the saints because it comes in the hearts without meditation, coming from the divine presence like Allâh ﷻ say: “Whom We had blessed with mercy from Us, and had taught him knowledge from Our own.” (Quran 18\65)

This mode of acquiring conceives and understands only by experience and if it’s acquired by the taste, we can’t acquiring it by instruction and teaching. It is thus necessary to believe in it for not be deprived from the radiation of its happiness. This falls under the marvel of the heart, and the one who didn’t see don’t believe, like Allâh ﷻ say: “They deny what is beyond the limits of their knowlege, and whose explanation has not yet reach them.” (Quran 10\39) He also say: “And since they were not guided by it (the Quran), they will say this is an ancient lie” (Quran 46\11)

Know that the happiness of everythings, his pleasure and his resting are according to his nature, and the nature of everything is why it was created. Thus, the pleasure of the eye is in the beautifull images; the pleasure of the ear is in the beautifull voices and so on.. And the pleasure of the heart is specifically linked to the Knowledge of Allâh ﷻ because it is created for it.

And what the son of Adam didn’t knew, he is delighted at it by knowing it. Like chess game : the fact of knowing it delighted him and if we forbid it to him, he don’t abandon it for all that and can’t have the patience to go without of it.

It’s the same for the Knowledge of Allâh ﷻ which delights him and he can’t go without of the contemplation… all the wishes’s pleasures of the underworld relates to the soul, and ceases whith the death, while the pleasure of the Knowledge of the Lordness rellates to the heart and don’t ceases with the death. Rather his pleasure increase in intensity and his light become bigger because he went out of the darkness towards the brightness.”

Now, dear brother, sister, you know that the heart literally have an eye, so I hope for you that you can see with… close your physical eyes, now what do you seeing?

Vision of God’s Light